Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.

ABCC volunteer expression of interest

I am interested in finding out more about becoming an ABCC volunteer.



Phone: .................................................

Email: ..................................................................................

I agree to abide by the provisions of the Avalon Beach Culture Collective as outlined in the mission statement.

Signed:.............................................................Date: ...................................

Membership application

I wish to join the Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.

Name: .....................................................................................................................

Address: ..................................................................................................................

Phone: .................................................

Email: ..................................................................................

I agree to abide by the provisions of the Avalon Beach Culture Collective as outlined in the ABCC mission statement.

Signed:.......................................................................Date: ...................................

Annual membership is $25 per member, renewable on 30 June each year.

To apply for membership:
1.Please complete this form then scan and email to:
or mail to PO Box 15, Avalon Beach NSW 2107
.2.The Secretary will notify you when your application has been approved.
3. Pay your $25 into the ABCC account.
4. Email details of your payment to ABCCAvalon@gmail.com

Account details
Account name: Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.
BSB: 062108
Acct no: 10303615
Reference description: [name]_membership

We look forward to having you as a member of ABCC.

Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.–supporting our cultural community

ABN: 97140938403

PO Box 15, Avalon Beach, NSW,2107

E:ABCCAvalon@gmail.com W:avalonbeachculturecollective.com